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The best entry-level jobs in accounting

Accounting entry level jobs

If you are considering a career as an accountant, you are probably wondering what kind of jobs you can get once you graduate from college.

Career options are vast when you become an accountant. You can rest with ease knowing that you will have interesting and challenging alternatives, which can accommodate your strongest skills and expectations.

An accountant is responsible for recording financial transactions, and analyzing and reporting the retrieved data. They also provide important financial information for companies’ managers, in order to keep the business running smoothly. Another part of the job description is tax reporting; keeping compliance with government regulations is a must for these professionals.

Individuals who are detail oriented, like to work with numbers and are organized usually thrive as accountants. But even though many people think it’s a boring job in which you are surrounded by numbers all the time and only performing repetitive activities, accounting can be very dynamic and can provide you with a wide array of career prospects and opportunities of growth.

As an accountant, you will be able to work in multiple fields; job prospects are vast in private and public industry, and even in nonprofit organizations. You will get to know a lot about how companies work and the financial challenges they face, and strategies, and you can even help the FBI investigate financial fraud. How cool is that?

If you are already certain that a career in accounting will be a good option for you, but have no idea what way you will choose to go after your graduation, keep reading to learn more about five entry-level jobs for accounting that present great opportunities:

  1. Credit Analyst

A credit analyst is responsible for making financial recommendations for individuals and businesses. They can also work for banks and other businesses that offer financing for their clients.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job outlook is expected to grow by 12%, which is higher than average.

  1. Accounts Payable/Receivable Clerk

These two positions are very similar. An accounts payable clerk oversees record keeping, while an accounts receivable clerk monitors payments owed to the employer.

This is the perfect starting point for someone who would like to gain a strong background in accounting before reaching for higher goals in the field.

Accounts payable/receivable clerks are crucial to all companies, creating a considerable number of opportunities in the job market.

  1. Mortgage Underwriter

A mortgage underwriter is responsible for deciding whether or not to approve a mortgage, and in what conditions. In order to make that decision, they must analyze credit history, employment and income. This data allows the mortgage underwriter to assess and understand the risks of approving that particular mortgage for an applicant, and minimize losses and liabilities.

Individuals who like to research and have strong decision-making skills (link to the post about skills) usually have great results in that field. But they must also be able to communicate well in order to deal with delicate situations.

  1. Financial Analyst

Financial analysts collect, analyze and understand financial data, such as economic forecasts and financial statements, in order to identify patterns and trends and provide reliable advice for clients based on market predictions. These professionals help their customers to decide whether to make investments or not at a certain time.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job outlook for financial analysts is expected to increase by 12%. These professionals are in demand by insurance companies and investment banks, for example.

For those who are interested in becoming financial analysts, it’s good to know that an understanding of international finance and economics can result in better opportunities in the job market. As the economy becomes more globalized, employers are looking for professionals who have a deep understanding of international policies and economics, and cultural differences.

  1. Auditor

Auditors examine financial records in order to provide counseling and guidance to businesses. They ensure that the financial information is accurate and the taxes are paid properly.

The IIA’s Certified Internal Auditor® (CIA®) certification is the only globally accepted certification for auditors, and it usually provides better job opportunities and payment.

The job outlook for auditors is expected to increase by 11% from 2014 to 2024, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.


When students graduate in accounting, they learn about how businesses work. This kind of knowledge that can be easily applied to multiple business settings and fields makes accounting a very flexible major, resulting in varied opportunities for professionals.

If you are really considering launching a career in accounting, but are still worried about it being a career that isn’t very exciting, don’t worry. Nowadays, most of the recording and storing aspects of accounting are automated. So, when you think about your tasks as an accountant, think about something more dynamic and strategic. You will get to learn and analyze strategic information that isn’t available to everyone. The part of the job considered boring by many is now pretty much done by computers and calculators.

To enjoy the abundant opportunities of accounting, you must be prepared with a good education that covers everything you need to successfully enter the job market. At Northwestern College, our Executive Accounting Degree introduces the concepts and practices of accounting. The Executive Accounting Degree program prepares students for all entry-level positions cited on the list of the five best entry-level jobs in accounting.

When you graduate from Northwestern College’s Executive Accounting Degree program, you will be able to perform every task necessary to work in a business setting, such as:

  • Distinguish and reproduce the fundamental concepts of accounting
  • Demonstrate computer literacy and familiarity with information resources
  • Combine computer and accounting skills to complete accounting tasks
  • Differentiate between financial and managerial accounting
  • Apply critical thinking to analyze and assess ethical issues within the accounting profession

Launching a career in accounting can be perfect for you if you like to work with numbers and are not afraid of challenges. With a certificate degree in accounting, for example, you will be able to find job placement in multiple fields as soon as you graduate from college, and you will also have abundant opportunities to grow. This career option can become highly financially rewarding as you acquire experience and certifications.

Take some time to study the job opportunities you will have and discover which one is the best fit for you, taking into consideration your abilities and dreams. And if you are in a hurry to launch your new career, the Accounting Certificate Program at Northwestern College can be earned in as little as one year. Classes start four times a year and you can learn more about the program by visiting nc.edu.