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Reasons to Get Certified in Medical Assisting

Reasons to Get Certified in Medical Assisting

Med student in class

If you’re currently providing healthcare services in a hospital setting or wish to secure a position in the field, consider getting your medical assisting certification. It comes with many benefits, including better job opportunities, higher pay, and more. Most importantly, it gives you advanced knowledge and understanding of the medical world. At Northwestern College, we offer a variety of healthcare programs designed to equip our students with a lifelong education, giving them an advantage over their competitors. Here, we describe why you should obtain your medical assisting certification.

Increased Employment Opportunities

Job openings in the medical field are filled with competition. This means that having a medical assisting certification is one of the best ways to tilt the odds in your favor. When it comes to hiring medical staff, many hospitals around the country prefer to take on individuals with the right credentials. If you possess a medical assisting certification, this indicates you’ve taken the time to equip yourself with the appropriate knowledge and tools to be successful.

It also demonstrates a high level of dedication to your job and the medical field at large. When employers see that you have a medical assisting certification, they will know right off the bat that you have a passion for proper patient care. This will aid in giving you a leg up in the hiring process. In addition to better hiring odds, you’ll also experience better job stability as well as the freedom to choose an occupation that best fits you.

Staying Updated with Continuing Education

Registered medical assistants (RMAs) are required to renew their medical assistant certification annually through American Medical Technologist (AMT). This will allow you to stay up to date with the best medical and patient practices. It’s important to renew your medical assisting certification on time because advancements and treatments are continuously changing in the healthcare field. This will provide you with the information you need to care for your patients to the best of your ability.

Continuing your education as a medical assistant will also give patients confidence and peace of mind. Since medical assistants are responsible for answering patient phone calls, there may come a time when you’ll need to know the ins and outs of the medical field. Having your certification will allow you to serve your patients better and accurately answer any questions they may have.

Higher Level of Pay

Not only will a medical assisting certification help you gain experience, but it can also put you in a position to receive better pay. Most employers recognize the value of your certification, seeing you as an asset to their facility. This can place you higher on the pay scale in comparison to your non-certified peers. It can also play a role in increasing your work bonuses throughout your employment. Certified individuals may also have more say over their working shifts, giving you the freedom to choose a work schedule that aligns with your own.

Earn Your Medical Assisting Certification at Northwestern College

At Northwestern College, we recognize the value your RMA certification holds. That’s why we offer courses for those looking to strengthen their position in the medical field. We provide a quality education for non-traditional students seeking better employment opportunities. For more information, contact us today.