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Top Five Job Skills in HIT

Northwestern College is a career college. That means we focus on knowledge and skills to help you achieve your future career goals. The top five skills that healthcare employers are looking for in health information technology (HIT) are listed below. We focus on all five of these areas in the HIT curriculum. The skills you learn in class will become valuable as you transition from being a student to being an employee.

Top five skills that healthcare employers are looking for:

1. ICD-10/5010 expertise – the demand in the marketplace for coding professionals is at an all-time high. More organizations are beginning to road map themselves in ICD-10 migration. This includes those with expertise in project management, program management, and coding. Those are the three major areas for people who understand ICD-10, and there isn’t a lot of experience in that space.

2. EHR implementation – the increased momentum and adoption of electronic health records in acute care and physician practice has put this area in the spotlight. The major software houses are tailoring their agendas around meaningful use and CPOE and other things that are required. When you look at that and who is in the marketplace today, there is a higher demand than there is availability.

3. Applications know-how – this space includes software applications and the ability to generate data as organizations become more mature regarding solutions. They are looking into a lot of applications required to measure quality and standards – software development, software management, and application management.

4. Security and compliance skills – this is where information is collected and is required to move from one environment to another. There’s a notion of how do we protect that information and be HIPAA compliant and deal with PHI. There’s a higher increase for skills in the information management security side of the business.

5. Data management talents – data management and data security is seeing a lot of effort and emphasis. It’s important to understand how you manage and protect the information. This includes putting together the appropriate structure to govern security, and knowing how to protect information and address breaches from a compliance perspective.

Source URL:https://www.healthcareitnews.com/news/6-most-demand-skills-hit-professionals-2012