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Northwestern College’s Oak Lawn Campus Participates in Pen Pal Program with Oak Lawn School Children

Thirty-three (33) Northwestern College staff and faculty participated in the Oak Lawn Chamber of Commerce & Industry’s 2015 Pen Pal Program with three of Oak Lawn School’s fourth and fifth grade classes. Multiple businesses and Chamber members of the Oak Lawn community participated, providing pen pals for over eighty (80) children during the fall quarter of the school year.

Three letters were exchanged between the children and Northwestern College staff and faculty, as well as with Chamber Members and employees from other Oak Lawn area businesses. The letter exchanges began in September and concluded with a pizza party at Oak Lawn School on Thursday, December 3. There, the children finally got to meet their pen pals and share pizza, punch, popcorn and ice cream. The food for the party was donated by Northwestern College as well as several other chamber businesses.

The Oak Lawn Chamber of Commerce and Industry has hosted this Pen Pal exchange for a number of years, with Northwestern College being a steady participant in the program. Northwestern College staff particularly enjoy this program which allows them to interact with young children, giving them a child’s perspective on numerous points of interest as their letter writing progresses. The opportunity to meet their pen pals face-to-face is the highpoint of the exchange, especially as the children are always extremely excited to finally meet them, as was the case on December 3!