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Study Groups = Heightened Academic Performance

Research shows that without doubt, groups saturate academic entities and implicitly impose an influence on outputs of the members of the entities (Henttonen, Johanson, & Janhonen, 2014). However, is there a correlation specifically to the dynamics embedded within study groups toward individual academic success? In fact there is. Studies show that work outputs are more effective when routine feedback is provided (Henttonen, et al., 2014). Study groups at some point of time form a relationship; a connection and bond shapes amidst the members. As this union forms, each member functions as a support system that boosts each member of the group. Study groups help to maximize efficiency levels in addition to contribute to the variety of talent, perspective, and uniqueness. Henceforth, each member becomes a motivating factor to one another. Correspondingly, recurring feedback helps to moderate error. Insight from a third hand perspective provides a viewpoint to avoid taking the wrong course of action and achieve a more fluid output.

By the same token, working in a study group also promotes learning. Two of the most critical ways in which self-efficacy is fostered is through the experience of success and/or receiving constructive feedback (Bandura, 1997). Additionally, this premise is accentuated through the theory of the Progress Principle hypothesized by Amabile and Kramer (2011). The feeling of progression amidst a group and their work tasks is one of the most influential factors to heighten motivation and inter-group creativity. In conclusion, the diverse components that are unique and special to that of each study group member, such as: personality, aptitude, drive, values, etc. are the quintessential threads that when woven together nurture the quality and the fortitude of the study group outputs. Lastly, study reduces risk of halted work tasks, intensifies member accountability and motivation, and finally also increases individual member morale.



Amabile, T. M., & Kramer, S. J. (2011). The power of small wins. Harvard Business Review, 89 (5), 70–80.

Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York, NY: Freeman

Henttonen, K., Johanson, J., & Janhonen, M. (2014). Work-team bonding and bridging social networks, team identity and performance effectiveness. Personnel Review, 43 (3), 330-349. doi:10.1108/PR-12-2011-0187